Our Mission
The Sweetgrass Health Centre is a Centre that;
- Is dedicated to balanced and healthy lifestyles through quality, holistic, culturally-relevant services to the First Nations, Métis and Inuit individuals and their families in the northern communities of Cochrane, Kapuskasing, Hearst and partnering First Nation Communities.
- Engages in clinical, social, economic and cultural initiatives that will promote the health of all Anishnawbek people.
- Promotes community building through partnerships, education and advocacy.
Our Vision
The Sweetgrass Health Centre envisions a world in which all First Nations, Métis and Inuit people have:
- Achieved full and equitable access to the conditions of health, including: pride in ancestry, cultural reclamation, peace, shelter, education, food, income, a stable environment, resources, and social justice.
- Where the gifts and wisdom of the First Nations, Metis and Inuit cultures are recognized as valuable, distinctive and beautiful.
Our Mandate
The Sweetgrass Health Centre’s main purpose is to create and deliver services that will prevent ill health, treat illness and provide ongoing support and aftercare. Services will be offered in a culturally safe way that welcomes, accepts and represents all Aboriginal peoples, utilizing an approach that combines Western and Traditional practices.
Guiding Principles
We believe in and value the teachings of the Seven Sacred Grandfathers:
We strive to integrate these principles in our work and in our lives.
- We believe that the Sweetgrass Health Centre has a responsibility to promote and maintain health and provide therapeutic services, health promotion, disease prevention, support, community development and treatment programs.
- We offer an interdisciplinary team approach to the care of the community members because we believe that one’s health is best when planned with professionals from many disciplines.
- We believe that the maintenance of client confidentiality is of utmost importance. We recognize that a client is a worthwhile person and has the right to be treated with dignity while maintaining his/her identity.
It is also recognized that a client is a member of a family and/or social grouping and that the support and understanding of significant individuals is fundamental to the care of the client. - We recognize that a client can be an individual, a family or a community. We believe that the client should be assured equal access to integrated services that incorporate the unique values, beliefs and traditions of the Aboriginal culture, as we strive to maintain a balance of understanding by practicing Traditional healing ways and adopting good Western healing practices.
- We believe that a client’s needs are best addressed when we look at the person with a holistic perspective, which includes the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of self.
- We recognize and respect the value contribution of all employees, and we strive to uphold the highest professional and ethical standards.
- We recognize that services must be provided as economically as possible while striving to obtain sufficient resources to meet our service objectives.